Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 18, 19, & 20

March 18: Liam basically pulled himself into his bouncy chair. It looks like my child never wears clothes. Truth is, I normally take my pictures at the same time of day- sometime between eating peas, taking a bath, and jammying up for the night. So, naturally, the nakey pictures are bound to sneak in there.

(look at his cute face in this one. He is sucking on his top lip.

Bonus: Video! Sorry about the abrupt ending, but notice how excited Liam was to see his Daddy.

March 19: Again, during that time of night... only this time it's directly after he had a bath.

(Liam likes to watch Wheel of Fortune... in the nude :) )

Big floppy ears and a tail! He he!

March 20: Liam and I walked to the park to meet up with some friends. He had his first experience on the swings (which he loved!) and going down the slide (which he also loved!).

You see our neat jogging stroller that we got for FREE... I love craigslist.

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