Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sharing Time ideas- August week 2

I was recently called to be in the Primary Presidency, so I now have the opportunity to do Sharing Time every third month.  This month is my first time doing it- last week being the very first.  I am so grateful for people who have posted their ideas online, so I thought I'd do the same for other people who might be interested.

This month, the lessons are about prayer.  Last week we talked about how to pray.  This week we are talking about when and where to pray.  I am pretty much following the ideas outlined here.

I am going to have a child try to identify two people while blindfolded simply by the sound of their voice- their parent and a stranger.  We will then talk about why they couldn't identify the stranger.  (They don't know them, they've never talked to them.)  It is the same with Heavenly Father.  We cannot hear  Heavenly Father or come to know Him without talking to Him.  We do that by praying.

We will then talk about where and when to pray as outlined in Alma 33 and 34.  We will talk about the modern day equivalent of what the scriptures discuss:

Alma 33: 3-9; Alma 34: 18-26

Mercy                                (repent, when we do something wrong)
In my field                         (playground, park, work, school)
My house/ household        (house or bedroom/ For family)
Against the devil               (To not be tempted)
My closet                           (any private place)
In the wilderness                (feeling lost or alone)
In congregations                (at church)

Then, we'll talk about where/ when else they might pray.  We will review how to pray and maybe talk about some of the "thank you for" and "please bless" associated with each place/ time.  (For instance, "Thank you for my family.  Please bless my brother, who is sick."

I will then show the kids a penny and point out the words "In God We Trust."  We will talk for a second about how we can only trust someone that we know well.  Just like we trust our parent and know their voice, we can come to know Heavenly Father, and be able to trust Him, through prayer.  I will give each child a penny to put in their shoes and a handout.  Each time they see a coin or feel the penny in their shoe, they should remember to say a prayer.

I just found images from google image search to go along with the modern-day places to pray.  I can post those, too, if anyone wants them.  Here is my handout to go with the penny:

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